

Why Should I Be Concerned About Erosion and Sedimentation?

What is the harm if a little mud washes into the stream? Erosion takes place all the time naturally, so what’s the big deal? All residents, tax payers, and the environment pay the price of accelerated erosion and sedimentation.

aquatic life

Water quality is just one thing affected by erosion and sedimentation, often resulting in a decrease in aquatic life. Anglers and their catches are the ones who suffer from sediment making its way into our streams. The primary pathway for nutrients (phosphorous, nitrogen, etc.)  to enter waterways is through the transportation of sediment. These nutrients can result in algae blooms that block sunlight and choke out oxygen in streams, which harms or kills aquatic life.  In addition to this, the sediment can abrade fish gills, reduce habitat, and clog stream channels. Streams that are filled with fish can be reduced to a waterway that no longer supports any aquatic life. Some of the best fishing spots can become some of the worst as a result of sedimentation.



economic impacts

Not only does wildlife become a target of erosion and sedimentation, but so does your wallet. The cost of keeping many waterways used for navigation and shipping passable is estimated to be around $500 million dollars annually. But sometimes sedimentation can hit closer to home, like your backyard. As erosion happens it can drastically change the landscape of your surroundings. As sedimentation happens, it can clog drains and cause flooding. As water is redirected by erosion and sedimentation you may experience many problems to your property, resulting in money spent. If proper techniques are used to combat erosion and sedimentation, the numerous associated problems can be prevented.