Program Overview


Dirt & Gravel, Low Volume Road Programs (DGLVR)

So now your seeing a new sign along your local road saying ‘Another Successful Road Project Funded by the Dirt & Gravel Road Program’ . You are now wondering what the DGLVR program is, and what that means for you.The purpose of the Dirt & Gravel, Low Volume Road Program is to create a better public road system with a reduced environmental impact to the streams. The program focuses on Environmentally Sensitive Road Maintenance Practices (ESM) that reduces the impact of the road runoff and sediment to local streams, while reducing long term road maintenance costs.

The initial grant money came from Section 9106 of the PA Vehicle Code and then in 2013 Act 89, the gas tax, was enacted and grew the program to $28 million coming back to us locally throughout the whole state.

Grant applicants are any state or local public entity that owns and maintains public roads. For an applicant to become eligible for program money, the road master and/or any municipality employee or project manager who directly works on the roads has to attend a FREE 2-day ESM training course which is good for 5 years.

You might be surprised how many roads we can help you fix!


Call the District with any questions at 814-472-2120

For additional information about the program, please visit the links below: