DGLVR Projects
Rhoa Road- Chest Township
A spring popped up in the middle of this road resulting in a drainage problem. A French mattress and 940 feet of underdrain were placed to collect the running water flowing off of the hillside. Gravel was placed on top of the road to crown it with an inward slope to direct water to the underdrain. Future plans are being considered for other sections of this road.
Rhoa Road Before
Rhoa Road Before
Rhoa Road After
Rhoa Road After
Harvey Dickie Road- Summerhill Township
An existing cross pipe along this road resulted in a ditch in a nearby property that was no longer wanted. To remediate this, the District, placed a 6 inch underdrain on the hill side to an inlet box at the bottom of the hill where the outlet could safely be placed. Three additional cross pipes with headwalls and endwalls were also laid along the flat part of the road. Gravel was also placed on the road in order to create and inward slope toward the underdrain. This project greatly improved the road and reduced the impact to the nearby stream.
Harvey Dickie Road Before
Harvey Dickie Road Before
Harvey Dickie Road After
Harvey Dickie Road After
Betz Road- Croyle Township
Betz Road was Croyle Township’s very first stream crossing project. Stream flow was restricted and the banks were severely eroded. The existing four foot wide culvert was replaced with a 17 foot wide pipe, and was accompanied by drop inlet box in order to catch additional runoff before it hit the structure. With the new improvements, the stream was able to flow freely and reduced the erosion of its banks.
Betz Road Before
Betz Road Before
Betz Road After
Betz Road After