Tree Sale 2023

The 2023 tree sale was a major success for the Cambria County Conservation District (CCCD), with record earnings. The staff worked at the Cambria county fairgrounds in Ebensburg Monday to Friday doing everything from setting up, organizing and sorting the plants, to getting the orders to you. Costumers picked up the plants Friday with instructions to plant them as soon as they could. There were many different types of plants for sale such as apple trees, peach trees, raspberry bushes, blueberry bushes, strawberries, and different bushes. There were over 50 different species for people to choose from. These plants will provide many types of values for their new owners, such as aesthetics and food. The added plants trees will also provide food and shelter for wildlife as the trees mature.

The money earned from the sale is going to different things within the district and community, such as purchasing t-shirts for the 2023 Envirothon! Thank you to everyone who ordered trees from us!

If you’d like to order trees from next years tree sale, keep an eye out. The catalog will come out in late fall/ winter.

Shannon J